Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday aug 29
Wow that hurricane is awesome. I've been watching it on TV and it's crazy. Transformers are exploding, tress are flying all over the place, all these people are in something called a superdome. Superdome. I like the way that sounds. I wanna go to a superdome. It sounds fun and science fictiony. I'm gonna build one here in crawforf.

Today I had to leave Craford which sucks. On the plane I called Cherty Chert. I told the press:"I spoke to Mike Chertoff today — he's the head of the Department of Homeland Security. I knew people would want me to discuss this issue [immigration], so we got us an airplane on — a telephone on Air Force One."

Then I went to wish John McCain a happy birthday in Arizona. We had some cake. It was pretty good, a little dry, not as fudgy as I like my cake. I hate John McCAin. He's annoyong. Then I went to talk to some old farts at golf resort in Pehonix. I said: "This new bill I signed says, if you're a senior and you like the way things are today, you're in good shape, don't change. But, by the way, there's a lot of different options for you. And we're here to talk about what that means to our seniors." I think I sounded pretty good.

Then I flew all the way to southern california to talk to some more old fogies to talk about some changes in medicare or medicade. Which is it? Medicare, I think. I said: "We've got some folks up here who are concerned about their Social Security or Medicare. Joan Geist is with us. … I could tell — she was looking at me when I first walked in the room to meet her, she was wondering whether or not old George W. is going to take away her Social Security check." I can't remember who the heck Joan is. Oh well. Then I played some more golf. Rummy called me from a San Diego Padres baseball game. It sounded like he was having fun. I wish I could have went. Boy am I pooped. But I have to prepare for some speech tomorrow bc it's the anniversary of the civil war.